Code of Ethics.
Babydoll Sheep Breeders Australia is committed to running an inclusive and respectful group.
This Code of Ethics establishes a standard of conduct to be followed by all members of the Babydoll Sheep Breeders Australia Inc (BSBA) in the normal course of owning, breeding, exhibiting and selling of Babydoll sheep. These principles stand alongside the responsibilities and obligations imposed on members by the BSBA Constitution and the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW).
Our Members
Members must be aware of their responsibilities and aim at all times to conscientiously maintain the highest possible standards of integrity.
- Members will abide by the BSBA rules and regulations associated with their membership.
- Members will treat each other with respect and courtesy and will aim to be inclusive of all members.
- Members will not participate, tolerate or condone any form of bullying, sexual harassment or any form of discrimination.
- Members should advance the interests of the BSBA and maintain its integrity and status, including observing the highest standard of stud management, professional probity, business practice and fair and proper competition.
- Members will adhere to all state and federal laws pertaining to the keeping or breeding of sheep or livestock.
- Members will always breed, raise and maintain their animals according to current animal welfare standards. Members will not knowingly use for breeding any animal with major defects or hereditary diseases.
- Members will aim to breed to the standards outlined in BSBA breed standards.
- Members will deal honestly, ethically and fairly and will not engage in false or misleading advertising of stock.
- Members will sell animals in good healthy condition, free to the best of their knowledge from disease or major defects or hereditary disease.
- Members will ensure that registration and transfer of stock is be completed promptly in accordance with the BSBA rules.
- Members should work to increase awareness of the Babydoll sheep breed.
- Members should present a professional appearance and demeanour when representing the Association or participating in its activities and must suppress dishonourable or unprofessional conduct or practice.
- Members should treat industry associates in a fair and respectful manner. Members should be willing to share their experience.
- Prospective members and other enquirers should be treated with courtesy. Requests for information, documentation, merchandise or advice should be satisfied in a prompt, professional and impartial manner. Bias of any kind should be avoided.
- Members should be sensitive to conflict of interest and should immediately declare their interest and disqualify themselves from any activity that might be seen to suffer from that conflict. In this regard, no member will judge an animal in which they hold ownership or have bred. Perceived conflicts of interest should also be avoided in order to protect and promote the standing of the BSBA.
- Members will accept with good grace the outcomes of activities conducted and decisions made by the BSBA committee (assuming due diligence and governance processes are followed correctly).
Our Office Bearers and Committee Members
Office bearers and Committee members are in a position of trust and will do nothing to abuse that trust. In addition to the principles above office bearers and Committee members must:
Disclosure of interests – as per s31 of the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW) ‘the Act’.
If a committee member has a direct or indirect interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a committee meeting, and the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of his or her duties in relation to the consideration of the matter the committee member must, as soon as possible after becoming aware of this interest, disclose the nature of the interest at a committee meeting.
The committee must deal with any disclosure of interest as required by section 31 of the Act.
The details of the interest must be recorded in the committee meeting minutes and in the Register of disclosed interests.
Unless the committee determines otherwise, the committee member cannot:
- ensure the governance processes they undertake are guided by the following values: Transparent, Accessible, Responsive, Accountable, Inclusive, Clear and Efficient.
- behave honestly and with integrity in connection with their role
- carry out their functions with due care and diligence for the benefit, as far as practicable, of the association
- disclose any interest in a matter that conflicts with their ability to perform their duties (see further below re conflicts of interest)
- not use their position or information acquired as a committee member for improper purpose
- maintain appropriate confidentiality about official dealings the committee has with members or confidential information of BSBA
- use BSBA resources in a proper manner and for a proper purpose
- act in accordance with the rules of natural justice*
Disclosure of interests – as per s31 of the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW) ‘the Act’.
If a committee member has a direct or indirect interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a committee meeting, and the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of his or her duties in relation to the consideration of the matter the committee member must, as soon as possible after becoming aware of this interest, disclose the nature of the interest at a committee meeting.
The committee must deal with any disclosure of interest as required by section 31 of the Act.
The details of the interest must be recorded in the committee meeting minutes and in the Register of disclosed interests.
Unless the committee determines otherwise, the committee member cannot:
- be present while the matter is discussed at the committee meeting, or
- take part in any decision of the committee with respect to that matter.