Our breeders put their heads together to make a list of questions about Babydoll sheep that are often asked...
% Southdown is used by Babydoll Sheep Breeders Australia (BSBA) to summarise the amount of Southdown genetics in the pedigrees of sheep in our Babydoll registry. We use the % of Southdown genetics in the pedigree to decide when a Babydoll sheep is eligible to be inspected for registration as Purebred Babydoll. This is one way that we manage quality for the BSBA Purebred Babydoll sheep.
What are your goals?
You might choose to keep Babydoll Sheep for all sorts of reasons. For example, you might decide that you want them for meat or fibre, to breed and sell, to keep.as pets or as lawn mowers in the orchard or vineyard.