All Babydoll sheep have Southdown genetics and any one of them could be carrying the Gaucher Disease gene. Life for a lamb born with two copies of the Gaucher Disease gene is pretty grim and short. We don't want that to become commonplace in the Babydoll world. The only way to find out if a sheep carries the Gaucher Disease gene is to DNA test and that is pretty easy to do - just a couple of drops of blood on a special collection card. Where both parents have been shown to be Gaucher Free, their lambs will also be Gaucher Free by pedigree. Despite its name, Gaucher Disease is not an infectious disease like Ovine Brucellosis but a genetic fault. We are lucky to be at a stage in Australia where Gaucher Disease can be eradicated.
If you are buying Babydolls with the intention to breed, ask
See the Southdown Australia website for more information about Gaucher Disease, how to test and options for eradication. Comments are closed.